Thursday, May 8, 2014

2014 Jazz Fest and “Climate Disruption”

The National Climate Assessment that the White House released this week, according to media talking points, has given us a new piece of jargon: since rising temperatures have plateaued, the alarmists can’t say “global warming”; and “climate change” sounds too mild, so the new term du jour is apparently “climate disruption”.

 Whatever its called, I’m still waiting - six years going on now - for the temperature at Jazz Fest to be 103°, as per Tulane Law School’s Professor Oliver Houck:

Like most alarmist predictions, all bets are hedged with weasel words and select omissions. Prof. Houck says “maybe” and doesn’t give a time frame. And the source he cites, like most studies, is much more measured than the commentariat represent them to be:

All that report says about climate change and Louisiana is that “it is projected that by 2100, temperatures in Louisiana could increase about 3̊F (with a range of 1-5̊F) in spring and summer, slightly less in winter, and slightly more in fall.” Prof. Houck also never looks into the question of just how hot Jazz Fest is, and has been, over the years, which is why I started this annual tradition in the first place. (The hottest Jazz Fest - see my charts below - was 2002, when the average temperature was 89.7° F.)

Anyway, average temperatures at Jazz Fest (see my original post from 2009 for the sources of the data and my methodology) for its 45 years is 81.7° F, and this year it was 80.3°, slightly below average. Here are the updated charts:

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