Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BP Trial Documents and Court Staff Birthdays

Today is Day 19 of the BP Trial, which will probably end up being one of the biggest, if not the biggest, environmental law cases ever. Its flying pretty much under the radar nationally, but is in the daily news here in New Orleans.

Judge Barbier has done an amazing public service of making  all the daily transcripts and trial exhibits available to the public through a site set up just for that purpose:

(And its a LOT of material - over 650 documents so far, easily several hundred thousand pages already, and who knows when the trial when end.)

But the courtroom is apparently just like any other workplace: yesterday they took time to wish one of the staffers a happy birthday, as is shown in the transcript:

I am so disappointed that we didn't get to see how the court reporter would indicate the singing of Happy Birthday.

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